In the 21st century, high-performing companies have to do more than just analyse their services in terms of economic and financial factors.
We must also consider the impact of our activities on the quality of our environment and society as a whole. This is why Interparking strives in various ways to live up to its role as a key player in cities where we have a presence.

Certified carbon-neutral
As a key player in the mobility sector in Europe, Interparking has actively embraced the use of sustainable technologies in order to limit its impact on the environment. A major part of this commitment is CO2-Neutrality.
To reduce our ecological footprint, we analysed the entire value chain within Interparking, throughout our operational network, which gave us the feedback we needed to take decisive and specific action to slash electrical consumption, maximise recycling and exploit renewable energy sources.
Other energy-efficient projects are also underway: more teleconferences to reduce our travel requirements or switching a portion of our vehicle fleet to encompass low-polluting cars. Nevertheless, just like many other companies, a holistic approach is best when attempting to embrace carbon neutrality, which is a real challenge. This is why we are involved in a carbon compensation project, while also supporting multiple projects aiming to reduce CO2 in Africa, centering on the fight against deforestation. In Spain, we are also working with the NGO HOMAC, which finances projects in developing nations. All this means that the remaining environmental impact we have is offset by the reduction of CO2 emissions generated by the projects we support.

We have also had our efforts recognised with the “CO2 neutral” certification. In 2014, our business operations in Germany, Poland and Spain were all honoured with this certification which means Interparking is now certified as “CO2-neutral” in 8 countries. In 2015, our business operations in Italy are also likely to earn this certification, meaning the whole group will be covered.
Diversity and effective management
As a responsible company, Interparking is also committed to ensuring it implements an exemplary set of in-house rules. A Code of Ethics gathering our values and all the obligations deriving from them has been adopted at Group level. Accordingly, in Italy, we apply the “Modello 231” code of conduct and ethics, which sets out the rules, values and obligations of the company with respect to its stakeholders.
Interparking plays an active role in providing work opportunities for the long-term unemployed. This program is aimed at young people, over-50s as well as those with reduced mobility or suffering from slight mental handicaps.
Social responsibility
Interparking is actively involved in sponsoring in social, cultural and sporting fields. Particularly in Belgium, where we support Samusocial, food banks, Nativitas and the Samilia foundation. In sporting terms, we have signed up to the “Sponsor an Athlete” program which supports those taking part in the Special Olympics and our team, which ran the Brussels marathon, did so in support of the Association for Missing Children in Europe. We are also a sponsor of Zoute Rally in Knokke. Culturally, Interparking is a structural sponsor of the Concertgebouw in Bruges and the Festival van Vlaanderen in Ghent.